February 19

Parks smoking ban relaxed; gun ban gone



After a lot of public backlash upon the announcement of a smoking ban in all city parks on Wednesday, February 17, Seattle Parks and Recreation Superintendent Tim Gallagher yesterday decided to amend his decision, relaxing the rules that would have banned smoking in parks effective April 1, 2010.

The Board of Park Commissioners recommended this language in the Code of Conduct: “Smoking, chewing, or other tobacco use is banned within 25 feet of other park patrons and in play areas, beaches, or playgrounds.”

“Based on the input from the public that followed my initial decision,” Gallagher said, “I have decided that a gradual approach to a smoking ban is reasonable.”

This comes after the rule banning firearms in Seattle parks was tossed out last week by King County Superior Court Judge Catherine Shaffer, who said the city cannot pre-empt state law.  Our news partners at the Seattle Times reports that the city will now be required to remove the 116 metal signs in city parks that read “FIREARMS PROHIBITED.”

In response to the ruling, Mayor Mike McGinn expressed his disappointment, stating, “Cities should have the right to restrict guns in playground, pools and community centers where children are present…It’s time for the state Legislature to change that law.” Read more about the gun ban ruling here.


Board of Park Commissioners, gun ban, Mayor McGinn, Seattle Parks, smoking ban

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