March 5

Tour the heron nests at Kiwanis Ravine



Every wanted to see herons up close and personal? This weekend is your chance. This Saturday, March 6 community members are invited to tour the heron nests in the Kiwanis Ravine in Magnolia with Heron Habitat Helpers. The tour begins with some social time and an annual update on the herons at the Discovery Park Visitor Center at 10 a.m. The walking tour of the heron nests starts at 11 a.m. There will be scopes set up through the ravine to better view the nests.

Heron Habitat Helpers work with the colony of Great Blue Herons that nest in Kiwanis Ravine year after year. Every year the herons return to their nests in February, spending several weeks in courtship before selecting a mate for the season. The female hersons typically lay three to five eggs; both parents alternate incubating the eggs for roughly 28 days. Usually by June or July the heron chicks develop wing feathers large enough for flight.

Tour goes have a choice between two walking distances–the short tour or “total circumnavigation.” For those unable to make the walk, Heron Habitat Helpers will be able to provide riding tours as well. For more information, email


Discovery Park, events, Heron Habitat Helpers, Herons, Kiwanis Ravine

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