March 11

John Hay is hosting a Sock Hop Friday to raise money for its sister school in Afghanistan



John Hay Elementary is hosting a Sock Hop this Friday, March 12 from 6 to 8 p.m. to raise money for their all girls sister school in Afghanistan as part of the “Journey With an Afghan School” program.

The John Hay Citizenship Committee and Student Council are hosting an evening of great music, dancing, a cupcake walk, face painting and food.  All proceeds will continue to support our sister school in Afghanistan.

According to John Hay volunteer coordinator Lynn Baker, all proceeds from the Sock Hop will go toward helping the Afghan school build six more classrooms. Admission is $12 per family at the door. Once inside, tickets will be sold for 50 cents each that will be redeemable for concessions, face painting and the cupcake walk.

“Journey With an Afghan School” is the brainchild of Seattle woman Julie Bolz, who has been working to raise money for the construction of 19 schools and repairing of more than a dozen others in the Balkh province in northern Afghanistan. Read the Seattle Times piece on Bolz’s project here.


fundraiser, John Hay, Journey With an Afghan School, Julie Bolz, Sock Hop

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