March 25

5 Spot fundraiser raises $2,800 for Coe & Hay



One Tuesday, March 23 and Wednesday, March 24 two local schools–John Hay and Coe–held a friendly fundraising competition to see who could raise more money by eating out for dinner at the 5 Spot, which donated 25 percent of its sales both nights to each respective school.

On Tuesday Coe earned a whopping $1,376.67, but was slightly beat out by Hay, which raised $1,442.52 on Thursday, adding up to $2,819.19 in total!

The funds are going directly to each school. Coe will be purchasing age and reading level appropriate books for their classrooms with the funds, while John Hay is putting its portion toward hiring math and reading tutors.

Families from the schools who participated in the fundraiser were asked to write their teacher’s name at the top of their checks, allowing the 5 Spot to figure out which classrooms from both Coe and Hay had the highest level of family participation. Ms. Spiller’s class at Coe and Ms. Mirabueno’s class at John Hay took the prize. Every student in both winning classes was given a $10 Chow Foods gift card.

“We know our local public schools are hurting as much or more than the rest of us right now and are in a frightful financial state.  As an integral part of the Queen Anne community, we at the 5 Spot wanted to answer that call. We couldn’t have asked for two more successful evenings—both schools are winners!” said 5 Spot owner Peter Levy in a press release today.

Congrats Coe and Hay!


5 Spot, Coe, competition, fundraiser, John Hay

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