June 18

Preview of this weekend’s Fremont Parade and Fair



This weekend is Fremont’s biggest event of the year, the Solstice Parade and Fair. Over its long history, the event has grown from a funky neighborhood gathering to a region-wide party that’s expected to attract close to 100,000 people. The parade itself kicks off at noon on Saturday from N. 36th and Leary, travels through the heart of Fremont, and ends at Gas Works Park in Wallingford.

Photo above from 2009 Solstice Parade

In addition to the parade, which kicks off with the famous naked bicyclists, you’ll find plenty of other things to do.  Here’s a sampling:

Live bands: Musical entertainment from 39 different bands on three different stages over the entire weekend.  Here’s the band lineup.

Solstice Celebration in Gas Works Park: Organizers promise art installations, bands, non-profit booths, food vendors, and a beer garden.

Fremont Abbey Arts for All: Painting, interactive sculptures, sidewalk chalking, live music at the Rocket Block next to the Big Purple Slide.

Seattle Art Car Blowout: 75 decorated cars in the Burke Building parking lot. Here’s the “ChewBaru” from last year’s show.

Cabiri Performance Troupe on Daedalus: Daedalus is a fully freestanding aluminum aerial dance stage.  Five performances will feature dancers from The Cabiri performance troupe.

Shakespeare on The Troll: Selected scenes from the Bard’s most famous and beloved plays in front of the Troll.

And keep an eye out for a booth collecting donations for the families involved in the deadly fire last weekend. You’ll find a map of the vendors and entertainment here.  You can also visit the fair’s official website.

The fair runs from 10am to 8pm on Saturday, and 11am to 6pm on Sunday.  Our sister site Fremont Universe will have full coverage throughout the weekend on its site as well as on its Twitter and Facebook accounts.


events, Fremont, Fremont Solcstice Parade & Fair, naked bike riders, summer

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