July 15

Mayor’s nightlife initiative: your thoughts?



Mayor Mike McGinn last night revealed a “Seattle Nightlife Initiative” that includes 8 major points:

1. Code compliance enforcement
2. Flexible liquor service hours
3. Noise ordinance enforcement
4. Security training requirements
5. Precinct community outreach
6. Professional development
7. Late-night transportation alternatives
8. Targeting public nuisances

The Streamline, located on Mercer Street in Lower Queen Anne.

Of these priorities, the “flexible hours” may be the most dramatic, with bars being able to stay open later than 2 a.m., with the argument that the present system “which by unintended consequence encourages overindulgence while simultaneously pushing thousands of patrons on the streets with limited resources to effectively manage the activity.” In other words, too many inebriated people at one time overwhelm law enforcement, alternative and public transportation, drive home drunk causing accidents, etc.

You can read more about it in the Seattle Times, and you can comment directly on a survey the city has put out seeking feedback about it. Or, please comment here!


Mayor Mike McGinn, noise ordinance, public transportation, Seattle Nightlife Initiative, Seattle Times, stagger liquor service hours

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