September 22

Man seen looting trash cans on Boston Street



We just got this email from a reader, who witnessed a man looting through trash cans in Queen Anne early this morning. Andre writes,

Last night around 2:30am I called the police and reported a man going through garbage cans with a small flashlight between 3rd and 4th avenue north on Boston Street. The man was collecting items that interested him and putting them into a shopping bag. He raided garbage cans at more than one house.

The guy was a white male, wearing a black-and-white ‘urban camo’ pattern baseball cap. He wore white velcro shoes, blue jeans and a dark colored coat over a gray shirt. He was probably in his late 30’s to mid 40’s. He was using a small, handheld LED flashlight.

The police did not respond immediately. I watched the man go through cans for about 10 minutes after the dispatcher said she was sending a car. He eventually walked eastbound and I lost sight of him.

We checked in with Andre earlier, and he said he never saw a police car go by after his call, but he wanted to warn neighbors to watch what they put in their trash.


crime report, Lower Queen Anne, SPD, trash cans

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