April 8

Locks could close if government shuts down



In the event of a government shutdown, Kiro7 is reporting that the Ballard Locks could cease operation.

“The Army Corps of Engineers said it does not know yet for sure, but the possibility exists that no boats would be able to pass through the locks,” according to Kirotv.com. Fisherman Jeff Coyne tells the news station that he knows of three tug boat companies and five salmon processing companies that would be directly affected if the Locks were to close. And of course all the recreational boaters would be affected as well.

A representative from the Corps told Kiro7 that they don’t expect to get official word from the government until the possible shutdown goes into effect, which could happen tomorrow. More information and video from Kiro7 can be found here. A good FAQ on the possible government shutdown can be found here.


Army Coprs of Engineers, Ballard Locks, government shut down, Jeff Coyne, KIRO7, KIROTV

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