October 8

Links for Little Ones



Still needing to go out and get some pumpkins with the kiddos?  A run down of all the patches around the area can be found at Pumpkin Patches & More.  Some of them even have corn mazes and hay rides!

McClure Middle School ASB President Serena Baserman writes:

Thursday, October 11th is International Day of the Girl, a day recognized by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.  McClure Middle School will be honoring this holiday to raise awareness for the CARE cause.

To participate, we’re going to have students wear as much of the color purple as they can on the 11th.  For every student who wears purple, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will double money donated by a McClure parent that will go towards supporting our school.  While the money will go to our school, our main objective is to raise awareness for the CARE cause – they need volunteers who are willing to “pressure” governments into creating laws that protect girls and other minorities.

Among other things, the CARE Cause helps women and girls in developing countries overcome setbacks such as child marriage and teenage pregnancy.

For more information on the CARE Cause, view their website here.

The Queen Anne branch of SPL is hosting Firefighter story-time on October 18th at 11am.  Firefighters from around Seattle will be on hand to read books about fire safety and will also be displaying some of their firefighting equipment.  More information can be found here and links to additional times and locations can be found here.


links for little ones

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