March 6

Survey on Restricted Parking Zones open through end of March

Local News, Planning & Construction


If you live in or near a Restricted Parking Zone, or use these areas to park around Queen Anne or anywhere else in Seattle, you can take an SDOT survey now through March 31st to provide input on these zones.

Restricted Parking Zones RPZ SeattleThe survey is fairly short and self-explanatory, and while you can indicate if you live in an RPZ or near one, you don’t have to park in one to take the survey and provide input.

Questions range from convenience to frustrations to impacts of the RPZ zones, as well as who should have permits and how many (e.g. how many parking permits per household).

The map to the above right shows the RPZs on Queen Anne, you can find out about city-wide RPZs at the SDOT RPZ Program website and find answers to common questions on this program overview page.


parking, Restricted Parking Zone, RPZ, survey

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